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C Y P H E R P U N K   O N L I N E

The latest community projects from the edges of technology, art, crypto, techart, crypto art and future multi-media. 50 Projects listed.

Desktop Statue Systems Limited

Desktop Statue Systems Limited" (DSSL) is a unique NFT collection created by the crypto artist Robness, envisioned as a range of abstract products sourced from the dreams of superintelligence. Launched in 2022, DSSL aims to deliver products from the "superfuture" that enhance how people work, play, and communicate through systems, NFT vaporware, services, and augmented reality on a global scale. Project based on ETH chain.




Artificial Botany is an ongoing project which explores the latent expressive capacity of botanical illustrations through the use of machine learning algorithms. Before the invention of photography, botanical illustration was the only way to visually record the many species of plants. These images were used by physicists, pharmacists, and botanical scientists for identification, analysis, and classification. While these works are no longer scientifically relevant today, they have become an inspiration for artists who pay homage to life and nature using contemporary tools and methodologies. Artificial Botany draws from public domain archive images of illustrations by the greatest artists of the genre, including Maria Sibylla Merian, Pierre-Joseph Redouté, Anne Pratt, Marianne North, and Ernst Haeckel.




oscillations by desultor is a spectacular collection of single-mint 1/1 animated NFT artworks. with mesmerizing repetition, each oscillation depicts an implied movement inward or outward around a central point. ETH chain art.




Etherpoems are minted fully on-chain through a "collective deployed" smart contract. Etherpoems is the first "collective deployed" contract. All proceeds from claiming Etherpoems and secondary sale royalties are split among all contributors trustlessly through blockchain technology. Poetry on ETH chain.



FAETECH Spaceships

The Fae, as well as being a naturally magical race, possess technology far in advance of mortal man - including space, time, and dimension hopping vessels. At this time, these vessels are largely produced by the corporations of the Endless City for great houses, the Imperial military, and private adventurers & warlords alike. 102 unique pixel art spaceships on the ETH chain.




10,000 unique collectible characters with proof of ownership stored on the Ethereum blockchain. The project that inspired the modern CryptoArt movement. CryptoPunks are one of the earliest and most iconic examples of "Non-Fungible Tokens” minted on Ethereum, and were the inspiration for the ERC-721 standard which powers most digital art and collectibles on-chain. Since their release on June 23, 2017, CryptoPunks have been featured in numerous international publications, headlined prestigious international auctions at both Christie’s and Sotheby’s, and even entered the permanent collections of important art museums such as the ICA Miami, the Centre Pompidou, and the LACMA. For more information and updates, check out the CryptoPunks brand hub. ETH chain asset.



The Endless Chronicles

Dive into the immersive universe of The Endless Chronicles by Tengushee, a captivating multi-platform project that blends the ethereal realms of poetry, music, digital art, and cryptoart (SOL, ETH and TEZ chains). Set against a backdrop of cyberpunk and faewave aesthetics, this innovative endeavor invites you to explore a narrative that transcends traditional storytelling. From the haunting melodies sprinkled on streaming platforms to the visually stunning exhibitions on various project websites, "The Endless Chronicles" offers a unique fusion of art and technology, promising an unparalleled journey through its creator's boundless imagination. Discover the magic and let the Chronicles lead you into a world where endless possibilities await.



Cyberpunk Day

A group of cyberpunk writers and creators are putting together a day to celebrate the genre and, going forward, marking a day to bring aspects of the genre and culture out to play.




'acid rad' by desultor is a macabre digital dance set in the pulsing pixels of the analog cosmos.six skeletal silhouettes groove against a backdrop of neon glitches, puncturing the cryptoverse with their timeless funk. this radical rave whispers tales of mortality with junk in the trunk. ETH chain art.




Once upon a time we found secrets in data stored on floppy disks, exchanged in person, dug up from dumpsters or sold at flea markets here and there - hidden txts, technical manuals, pirate games, warez, and forbidden knowledge... join us once more for this... the 2022 degen disk swap... what will you discover? 101 disks to collect and swap on ETH chain



DOS Punks

DOS Punks are a collection of 1000 collectibles, half on the Tezos (TEZ) blockchain and half on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. Each one is made with a DOS character set and various retro-gaming/computing color palettes.



desultor's revenge

desultor's revenge is an original cryptoart collection by your boy. desultor is a degen collector and artist who has shown work internationally, from Beijing and Paris to Los Angeles. he loves trashy pixels and cookin with analog distortion. ETH chain art.

